genetic design

Our genetic design objective is to create deeply pliable algorithms that imitate the complete interconnection of  biological genetic content. This is a sophisticated objective with many significant benefits and therefore it requires that we have the necessary architectural, entrepreneurial, and genetic experience. We have been collecting the fragments of experience through our disparate activities and have also already combined some of these categories into focused algorithm subsets. The projects further below demonstrate the different algorithm combinations we have completed with varying degrees of interconnection as we continue to aim for comprehensiveness.

The programming of a genetic design is similar to making a seed, where genetic information governs the design variation so each genetic seed produces a unique finely tuned tree, yet despite their differences, they are all collectively identifiable as the same type of tree.

Our approach to design can be applied to many scales, extending beyond the scope of traditional architecture. In particular we have developed a customizable approach to product design that permits us to fit with a variety of custom environmental and human parameters.

We program genetic design products or buildings that can automatically adjust to fit the needs of many different clients based on strategic algorithm implicitization. We have developed a theoretical framework to guide the implicitization process.

We also deepen our project impacts by seeing our genetic design work through to production as part of our evolving design process. Our research, development and commercialization work takes place with a diverse team of specialists in other fields to suit the specific needs of the  work. We have prepared a communication tool to coordinate effectively with our team.

Our most comprehensive representation of a genetic design so far is our Formid seat. In this algorithm we have parametrically linked the 26 of the 37 parameters listed above. These include details for structural sizing, biomechanical fit, counterweight balance, custom 3D prints, tailored lasercut profiles, automated fabrication registrations, and aesthetic proportions together seamelssly.

Formid was initiated as a precursor to our genetic design work in architecture. Other architectural algorithms since Formid have been less comprehensive but were directly applied in our custom design work for clients and will form part of our next evolution.

A considerable amount of coordinated complexity can be converted into simple buildable instructions for manual or digital assembly. Whether variation is expressed within a single building design or accross multiple building iterations, both can benefit from the automation of coordination.

In another example, we fine tuned the subdivision of complex site topography into zones to maximize cost effectiveness. Blasting efforts on a large site were differentiated into cut and fill volumes along with the foundation structure and retaining walls. These were adjusted based on the fluid control over building placement including its location and size.

The benefits of genetic design are broad and we believe our efforts can contribute improvements to global waste management. Specifically, we believe our work has the potential to transform molten slag from a waste product into a valuable architectural material.



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